Hello dear art lover! :) I am Martyna and I am the owner of this little art shop which I call Bird Hut Art. In my tiny company there is me and there is my husband, Lukasz, who usually takes all packed orders to the nearby post office:)

I am an artist living in Nova Scotia, Canada, originally from Poland. I am a big nature enthusiast. Nature is everything to me. It gives me inspiration, joy of life, knowledge, peace and freedom. I spend a lot of time in the forest, and I love exploring new paths and places. In art (and also in life) I love freedom, spontaneity and truth. I love painting plants, landscapes, and animals, especially birds. I also really enjoy creating patterns for fabrics. I sometimes sew. I am crazy about a sustainable lifestyle, and I do what I can to incorporate these values into my small business and still have food on my table (quite a hard task!). 

I like unique handmade items that are one of a kind (like all living beings!!) so you will find a lot of little originals here. When I was a teenager I discovered this beautiful saying "You need to be the change you wish to see in the world" and it deeply spoke to me. There is such a touching truth in it. This saying obviously stayed with me and will stay forever. I try to follow this truth in life and in business and I put my whole heart into what I do. As I am a perfectionist, the quality is very important to me. Out of love and out of respect to people, I want everyone to be happy with what they spend money on. Each order is very special to me and I pack it with care and thought about the person who is going to receive it. I reuse some of the packing materials I have and, whenever possible, I don't use plastic. 

I am truly happy to have the opportunity to grow and to make people happy with my art. Thank you all for supporting me! It is such a blessing to be able to connect with so many wonderful people around the world through my art! What a magical thing to do! :)